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Sounder external wired G2 red lens no cover (order: SDR-CV)

Sounder external wired G2 red lens no cover (order: SDR-CV)

Sounder external wired G2 red lens no cover (order: SDR-CV)

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Sounder external wired G2 red lens no cover (order: SDR-CV)

SKU: SDR-WEXT-G2-RD-NC Category: Brand:

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A range of external sounders with options for radio, wired and decoy. Common enclosure for entire range: impact resistant polycarbonate construction in a choice of 3 colours: blue, amber and red. An engineer friendly unit with a self-supporting lid, built-in spirit-level and revolving fixing holes for ease of installation including on uneven surfaces. High-power comfort LEDs provides reassurance for the user. The radio variant is designed for use with i-on and legacy 868MHz systems. The wired variants are also compatible with third party control units.