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40 zone hybrid control panel, expandable up to 80 with KEY-KPZ keypad with prox and two zones

40 zone hybrid control panel, expandable up to 80 with KEY-KPZ keypad with prox and two zones

40 zone hybrid control panel, expandable up to 80 with KEY-KPZ keypad with prox and two zones

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40 zone hybrid control panel, expandable up to 80 with KEY-KPZ keypad with prox and two zones

SKU: i-on40H-KPZ Category: Brand:

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The i-on40H next generation, hybrid control panel offers a straightforward secure configuration using the enhanced web browser and is compatible with Eaton?s full range of radio peripherals and plug on communicators. Eaton SecureConnectTM the new cloud and app for Android and iOS, brings even more user benefits including alarm set/unset and push notifications at any time, in any web-enabled place.