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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

1.       Use of Cookies

1.1. Like most websites, we use Cookies. We by using the Website You are giving us your express consent to us using cookies, you can withdraw your consent at any time by leaving the website.

1.2. A Cookie is a small text file placed in your computer or mobile device which stores information that our servers use and access.

1.3. A cookie does not give us access to your computer or data stored within it. We do not access information on cookies from other websites and they should not access ours.

1.4. We need your consent to place cookies in your computer or mobile device, except where the cookie is necessary to provide a function like holding information you input to a form before sending the form to us

1.5. It may be necessary to load some cookies immediately when you download a webpage and it may not be possible for you give your prior consent, however you can delete these cookies at any time or adjust the setting in your browser to reject these cookies.

1.6. Information on deleting cookies or controlling cookies is widely available on the internet at websites like, but disabling all cookies would impair the usability, functionality and accessibility to certain areas or features within our and almost all other websites.

1.7. We use Cookies to –

a)     Simplify and speed up your navigation of the Website to give you a better experience – When you visit Our Website, your web browser makes a request to our server with information which allows the requested webpage to be delivered to your computer or mobile device. This information is saved in a cookie so if you visit another page in our Website the cookie eliminates the need for your web browser to send the information again.

b)      Provide functionality – without cookies certain webpages cannot function, for example a shopping cart would not be capable of remembering what had been entered by you into the order forms whilst navigating through the payment process.

c)       Analyse the use of our website – We use a third party to generate statistics by recording the number of visits to a webpage, or clicks on a particular button and the type of equipment or software used.   All this information is anonymised so you cannot be identified in anyway but allows us to improve the website and ensure it is compatible with popular devices.

1.8. We use the following types of cookies

a)      Session cookies which are used whilst you navigate the Website and will be deleted from your computer when you close your browser.

b)    Persistent cookies remain on your computer until they expire or are deleted by you. They are used to store information to speed up the technical processes involved in downloading a website page should you revisit the website.

c)       Analytic cookies, which anonymously record your actions whilst using the Website to generate statistics.

d)     Third party cookies – If advertisements are shown on the Website they may use third party cookies to record the number of views or clicks and to inform the advertiser of the referral source.

1.9.     The cookies we use are

__zlcmidPersistent cookieLive Chat1 Year
__utmbAnalytic cookieUser Analytics30 Minutes
__utmtAnalytic cookieUser Analytics10 Minutes
__utmzAnalytic cookieUser AnalyticsSix Months
__utmcSession cookieUser AnalyticsEnd of User Session
__utmaAnalytic cookieUser Analytics2 Years
__csaPersistent cookieFor Cookie consent1 Month
osCsidSession cookieTo identify logged in userEnd of User Session

If you have any questions or queries about our cookies please contact
The Data Controller.
Hunters Wholesalers,
Unit 4, Kelpatrick Road,